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Create an Instructions for Research Proposal (Introduction Section)
Due Date: At the Friday by midnight
Requirements: Introduction Section and References page
Introduction Section: This section should be 3 full pages in length, not including the
title, abstract, or reference section. The purpose of an introduction section for an
empirical psychology paper is to “sell” the reader on the importance of the research you
conducted. Specifically, for this assignment, you should write an introduction section
using the articles you submitted to me last week.
References: You should reference at least 5 peer-reviewed, scholarly journal articles
(i.e., they need to be from scientific journals, not Psychology Today). Additionally, they
should all be formatted in APA style.
APA Format!
o Example:
Guide for Writing an Introduction Section for an Empirical Psychology Paper
The purpose of an introduction section for an empirical psychology paper is to “sell” the reader on the importance of
the research you conducted (or, in your case, the research you are proposing).
First Paragraph: Introduce and sell the topic of your research to the reader – make the reader believe that the topic
of your research is interesting and important. Begin by selling the topic as intrinsically important by making an
interesting broad statement or asking a question (see #1 below). Then, sell the topic as theoretically important by
discussing how prior research has explored the topic (see #2 below). Then, sell your specific research on the topic by
pointing out how prior research has left some questions about your topic unanswered (see #3 below). Put another
Present a broad statement or question.
Briefly address how prior researchers have addressed this question (or similar/related questions) – be sure to provide
Based on prior research about your question (i.e., based on the stuff you just said), state what part(s) of this question
remain unanswered or controversial. State, “The present (or proposal) aims to address this issue.”
Body Paragraphs: Summarize some prior research on a particular aspect of your topic. This paragraph should go
into more detail about some of the research you brought up in your first paragraph (i.e., #2-3 above). Each body
paragraph should discuss research that represents some central premise for your argument regarding the importance
of your research. If you find multiple studies that draw a similar conclusion, present them in the same body
Final Paragraph: State why the findings you discussed above combine to make your research important, plausible,
and unique. Clearly state your hypothesis, and make it very clear why testing this hypothesis is important in the
context of prior research/theory and real-world
issues……………………………………………………………….….. For this assignment (and, to a slightly lesser
extent, for your Final Research Proposal), don’t worry if your study doesn’t seem earth-shatteringly important……
If you’re struggling to construct an argument for why your research is important, just make the argument that there
hasn’t been enough prior research on your topic, so your research aims to add evidence to the issue.
Introduction Material to complete task
Topic: Are children’s choice of moral decisions more efficient than those of adults in
modern society?
1. Beißert, H. M., & Hasselhorn, M. (2016). Individual Differences in Moral Development: Does
Intelligence Really Affect Children’s Moral Reasoning and Moral Emotions?. Frontiers in
psychology, 7, 1961.
2. Bucciarelli, M. (2015). Moral dilemmas in females: children are more utilitarian than
adults. Frontiers in psychology, 6, 1345.
3. Gautam, S., Owen Hall, R., Suddendorf, T., & Redshaw, J. (2023). Counterfactual choices and
moral judgments in children. Child Development.
4. Hardecker, S., Buryn-Weitzel, J. C., & Tomasello, M. (2019). Adult instruction limits children’s
flexibility in moral decision making. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 187, 104652.
5. Ke, T. (2023). The development of children’s autonomy and reasonable paternalistic
intervention. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 10(1), 1-7.
6. Kim, M., Decety, J., Wu, L., Baek, S., & Sankey, D. (2021). Neural computations in children’s
third-party interventions are modulated by their parents’ moral values. NPJ science of
learning, 6(1), 38.
7. Limone, P., & Toto, G. A. (2022). Origin and Development of Moral Sense: A Systematic
Review. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 887537.
8. Neldner, K., Crimston, C., Wilks, M., Redshaw, J., & Nielsen, M. (2018). The developmental
origins of moral concern: An examination of moral boundary decision making throughout
childhood. PLoS One, 13(5), e0197819.
9. Powell, N. L., Derbyshire, S. W., & Guttentag, R. E. (2012). Biases in children’s and adults’
moral judgments. Journal of experimental child psychology, 113(1), 186-193.
10. Probst, S., Nowack, A., & Warneken, F. (2023). Children’s moral reasoning about self- versus
other-benefiting public health measures. Journal of experimental child psychology, 229, 105623.

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